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Pink Shrub

General Information

Ferret: 101 

This is where you'll find a concise overview of how to care for a ferret, including lifespan, diet, housing, behavior, laws & regulations, vet care, and litter training.

Sexing Your Ferret

Learn how to sex your ferret(s)!

Ferret Colors and Patterns

Ferrets come in many color and patterns. Learn more about what type of ferret you have.

Where To Buy

Consider all your options: rescuing, adopting, purchasing from pet stores, breeders, or rehoming sites.


Ho much do ferrets cost? What are typical adoption/purchasing fees? Typical vet visits? It's important to research the costs of owning a ferret to make sure you'll be able to financially provide for yours.

Water Dishes

Popular to contrary belief, ferrets really need water bowls, at least in addition if not in replacement of water bottles. They're lapping animals by nature and can develop dental issues along with becoming dehydrated.


There are many options for ferret housing. Please read this article to find out which one best suits your household and budget needs while providing for your ferret(s)!

Ferret Vocab

Ever hear people talk about ferrets and use terms you just don't understand? Look no further, here's ferret vocab for dummies.

Ferret Proofing

Ferrets are ornery, mischievous creatures. Households and rooms contain so many dangers you might not even be aware of, so take a look into ferret-proofing your space.

Behavior Problems

Just like with any animal, sometimes ferrets can have behavioral issues. Let's take a look at how these issues can be caused, and how they're commonly expressed.


Ferrets need stimulating play time. Take a look at some safe, affordable, and even DIY ferret toys.

Dish Soap For Fleas

Read about why using dish soap to treat fleas can be harmful to your ferret and learn what to use instead.

Poisonous Household Plants

Here's a list of common household plants that are hazardous to your ferrets.

Dealing With Heat

Ferrets do not tolerate heat very well. Read about safe temperatures, the signs of heat stroke, and how to keep them cool.


It is important to consider safety when choosing a bedding – materials that can get caught on nails should be avoided or used with caution, and bedding that can be ingested, get into eyes/noses, or dusty bedding that could cause damage to your ferret’s delicate respiratory system should all be avoided.

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